Submissions for the 2015 GCI Film Festival are now closed. Good luck to all who have submitted their work!

Submissions for the 2015 GCI Film Festival are now closed. Good luck to all who have submitted their work!

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6400 Sugarloaf Parkway

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July 31-Aug 2, 2015

Early Bird
May 15, 2015
Regular Deadline
June 5, 2015
Late Deadline
June 26, 2015
WAB Extended Deadline
July 4, 2015

Early Bird

Feature – $40.00

Short – $30.00

Student – $25.00

Music Video – $25.00


Regular Deadline

Feature – $55.00

Short – $45.00

Student – $30.00

Music Video – $35.00


Late Deadline

Feature – $70.00

Short – $60.00

Student – $40.00

Music Video – $45.00


WAB Extended Deadline

Feature – $85.00

Short – $70.00

Student – $50.00

Music Video – $55.00


Animation Short

All Deadlines – $25.00

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Submissions are now closed!

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I agree to the terms outlined in the General Festival Rules for the Gwinnett Center International Film Festival. The Gwinnett Center International Film Festival is hear by granted the right to utilize an excerpt from any film submitted and accepted for exhibition at the Festival for promotional purposes. The individual or corporation submitting the film hereby warrants that it is authorized to commit the film for screening, and understands and accepts these requirements and regulations. The undersigned shall indemnify and hold harmless Gwinnett Center or the Gwinnett Center International Film Festival from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses (including, but not limited to attorney’s fees and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening and loss of or damage to the screening video entered.

Your film must be postmarked no later that the deadline under which you’ve registered. If a payment is received after a postmark deadline, we will not view your film until the fee difference has been received. Each entry must be accompanied by its own entry form and fee. DVD’s must be clearly labeled with (WAB) or tracking ID, title and contact info. Secure online screeners will be accepted through or All submissions are notified by email upon receipt of the GCI Film Festival. Works in progress should be clearly marked on the screening copy. Entries must be produced within the last ten years. All entry fees are non refundable. Submissions in languages other than English must be subtitled or dubbed. Please do not send press kits with your screener unless requested. We will request these items on films chosen to be screened only.
Short Films
Short films are 44 minutes or less. Any and all genres are accepted including animation and
Feature Films
Feature Films are between 45 minutes and 150 minutes. Any and all genres are accepted including
animation and experimental.
Short Documentary
Short documentary films are 45 minutes or less. Any and all topics are accepted.
Feature Documentary
Feature documentary films are between 45 minutes and 150 minutes. Any and all topics are
Student Films
Student produced or directed films that are 45 minutes or less. Any and all genres are accepted.
Note: There is no Feature Student Film category as these films if accepted will be included in the
featurecategory automatically.
Foreign Films
Films that have been produced outside of the US. Any length and all genres are accepted.
Family & Children’s Films
Films displaying family values that both children and adults can enjoy. Shorts & Features will be
Music Videos
Preferred length 1-10 minutes with a maximum of 15 minutes. Any entry over 15 minutes will be
considered a shortfilm. Any and all genres accepted including animation and experimental.
Animation Short Film
Animation short films should be 46minutes or less. Any and all genres are accepted.


Your film must be postmarked no later that the deadline under which you’ve registered. If a payment is received after a postmark deadline, we will not view your film until the fee difference has been received. Each entry must be accompanied by its own entry form and fee. DVD’s must be clearly labeled with (WAB) or tracking ID, title and contact info. Secure online screeners will be accepted through or All submissions are notified by email upon receipt of the GCI Film Festival. Works in progress should be clearly marked on the screening copy. Entries must be produced within the last ten years. All entry fees are non refundable. Submissions in languages other than English must be subtitled or dubbed. Please do not send press kits with your screener unless requested. We will request these items on films chosen to be screened only.

If your film is selected

The screening schedule will be rounded off with a selected number of official selections and honorablemention winners.
Your film may screen up to five times, with an additional screening should it win an award.
You are responsible for shipping the exhibition copy of your film to the Festival.
DVD’s will not be returned.
Free waivers are not available at this time.

terms and conditions

I agree to the terms outlined in the General Festival Rules for the Gwinnett Center International Film Festival. The Gwinnett Center International Film Festival is hear by granted the right to utilize an excerpt from any film submitted and accepted for exhibition at the Festival for promotional purposes. The individual or corporation submitting the film hereby warrants that it is authorized to commit the film for screening, and understands and accepts these requirements and regulations. The undersigned shall indemnify and hold harmless Gwinnett Center or the Gwinnett Center International Film Festival from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses (including, but not limited to attorney’s fees and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening and loss of or damage to the screening video entered.